C&K Kindergarten

Our Kindergarten sessions operate from 8.22am to 2.30pm Monday to Friday. Children attend 5 days per fortnight (alternating Wednesday).Our Kindergarten offers a program for children 3 1/2 years to 4 1/2 years, having turned 4 years by June 30th in the year they attend. Woodridge North Community Kindergarten is co-located on the grounds of Woodridge North State School. Our kindergarten was opened in 2012, and we have strong professional links with the school and local community groups. We are extremely well-resourced thanks to grants provided by the state government and efforts of our parent fundraising group. Children attending our service come from a variety of cultural backgrounds which enriches our Kindergarten community
Our grounds are surrounded by native trees and have natural grassed areas on which to play. There are places to run and climb, and places to sit quietly and think, paint, read or draw. There are plenty of places with natural materials to explore- a sandpit, a digging patch with rocks gardens, and a shed which contains open-ended equipment which can be used in many ways, such as tee-pees, ropes, chairs, wheelbarrows, ladders, cooking items and much more.
We use the C&K Building Waterfalls teaching and learning guidelines which is a play-based curriculum. We place strong emphasis on early literacy and numeracy development through play based experiences, song, dance and creative arts. The children’s learning is documented in their individual learning portfolio which contains additions from children, educators and families to record the growth and learning dispositions of each child.
- Taking enrolments now – 2014 and beyond
- FREE waiting list application available at Kindy or online
- www.candk.asn.au/woodridgenorth
- Qualified and experienced Early Childhood teachers and assistants
- Little or no out of cost fees for Health Care Card and Concession Cards. SEIFA subsided rates available for all other families
- 5 fortnight program operating the same time as Woodridge North State School.

Call us, or come in to visit. We look forward to meeting you soon!